__The heritage values and foster superior levels of educational standard among all the students irrespective of their social status. The School envisions to be the world class by providing affordable unparallel learning experience and environment and illuminating their intellect to prepare responsible citizens who meet challenges of future, achieve goals successfully and be at the top while retaining their traditional values...........


Dear scholars whatever you dream you have to will whatever your will is your deed and whatever is your deed is your destiny .’’
Dream big and try to find out ways and means to turn them into reality !


__Our mission is to provide services leading to the quality education by adopting holistic and dynamic curriculum and providing emotionally safe and spiritually and morally invigorating environment to all types of learners. We strive to achieve the excellence in educating and stress the simultaneous development of body, mind and spirit and endeavour to create competent human asset committed to development of nation.........

Welcome to Heritage School

The Heritage School presently operation from New Campus Hygam in lush green Orchards near Flour mill Hygam on left side of Sopore - Srinagar National Highway (100 meters) ahead towards Modal Village Hygam Sopore Distt. Baramulla J&K.

The School is brainchild of Mohammad Maqbool founded in 2007. It is transforming dream into reality. The dream of providing quality education to rural vicinity at affordable fees and ultimately producing elite human asset of society. The school has successfully overcome all the difficult barriers created in its path by many people during its establishment. Now with the grace of Almighty Allah The school is touching the skies. The school provides a congenial atmosphere to nurture young minds to achieve the impossible.

Recognised by J&K Govt. the school is also accredited by many organizations And institutions of repute and is also ISO- Certified.

Presently the school has 700 students enrolled and about 62 staff members are working in Heritage family.

Our aim is to achieve the goals efficiently !


There are currently


Patron’s Message

Dear learners and esteemed parents Asalamu-u-Alaikum

A healthy welcome to THE HERITAGE SCHOOL Choora/Hygam. Wishing you congrats for choosing THE HERITAGE SCHOOL where the vision of education Spreads beyond the classroom, where the unparallel learning experience and tremendous efforts illimuninate the intellect among the learners by providing them the quality education adopting holistic means in emotionally safe and morally invigorating environment . And to empower the coming generation with knowledge, values and ethics.

Our aim is to work towards creating a space where students flourish and bring laurels to the society by their bright future. Our children are our real asset and it is the first and foremost duty of every parent to give them best education and best schooling and I am confident that Heritage will be upto the expectations, Insha Allah !

Wish you all the best for joining THE HERITAGE SCHOOL which is emerging as unique centre of academic excellence.

Mohd Maqbool Mir


Principal's Message

The Heritage School has made a significant mark in the educational scene and it is now synonymous with excellence in education. Parents from far and wide seek entry into its portals for their wards.

Our academic program designed and specifically to serve the needs of students as they develop their gifts build empathy and compassion for the world , and gain confidence in their lives as purposeful.

Research tells us that when learning is directly tied to understanding of self and to increase knowledge of world, students learn the best. As such our program me uniquely serves students with a curriculum founded on curiosity,inter disciplinary, critical thinking and the cultivation of their Godgifted potential as they navigate increasingly and developmentally appropriate challenging landscapes of learning.

Learning is an exercise of purpose of self understanding and coming to know the world in which they will someday lead and serve as students of The Heritage School.

Wish you enter to learn and leave to enlighten the world.

Aabeen Nazir


Our Address:

Address : Choora/Hygam
Phone : 9906819261
Email :
School Open: Mondays - Saturdays: 10am- 4pm.


We believe ideas come from everyone, everywhere. At Heritage, The dream of transforming this educationally thirst locality into world class elite society of responsible citizens. The school has successfully overcome the difficult barriers. Now with the grace of Almighty Allah the we are ouching the skies.

© 2016 My Heritage School. All Rights Reserved.